
The Amazing Of Winning Results On Winning UK Horse Racing - Automated Horse Racing Software


Date Total Bets WIN BSP P/L
20/08/2009 8 3 4/1;2/1;3.3/1 4.3
21-Aug 8 3 8/1;1.7/1;3/1 7.75
22-Aug 9 4 3/1;14/1;1.5/1;3/1 16.5
23-Aug 2 1 3.0; 1
24-Aug 2 1 10.0; 3.5
25-Aug 1 0 -1
26-Aug 6 2 1.5/1;2.75/1 0.25
27-Aug 5 1 2.80; -2.12
28-Aug 3 3 3/2;11/10;15/2 11.6
29-Aug 6 -6
30-Aug 1 0 -1
31-Aug 5 1 11/4; -1.25
Subtotal Subtotal 33.53

01-Sep 0 0 0 0
02-Sep 4 0 -4
03-Sep 9 4 16/1;2.25/1;2.75,4/1 25
04-Sep 5 2 4.5/1;1.5/1 3
05-Sep 13 3 3.5/1;14/1;3.5/1 11
06-Sep 5 2 5-1;4.5/1 6.5
07-Sep 5 0 -4
08-Sep 4 0 -4
09-Sep 9 1 4/1; -4
10-Sep 5 0 -5
11-Sep 6 1 4/1; -1
12-Sep 9 2 14/1;2.75/1 9.75
13-Sep 3 0 -3
14-Sep 5 1 2/1; -2
15-Sep 4 1 5/4; -1.75
16-Sep 2 0 -2
17-Sep 8 2 4-1/1;1.75/1 -0.25
18-Sep 7 1 0.6/1 -5.3
19-Sep 2 1 5/1; 4
20-Sep 2 0 -2
subtootal subtotal 20.95
Grand Total Grand Total 54.48

Points to note

1) The Pointer can help you make decent profits per week/month

2) Good profit isn't dependant purely on high strike rate.Good value horses as above can give you same or even higher profits.

3) A lesson from above result is caution during the closing weeks of a season and the opening weeks of another season.The reason for this caution isn't far fetched.That's why we are on a break till mid October'09.

Oct-Nov 09 Results

Date Total Bets WIN BSP P/L
15-Oct 2 0 -2
16-Oct 1 1 6.0; 5
17-Oct 19 5 8.0;15.0;4.5;3.25;6.5 18.25
18-Oct 3 1 2.0; -1
19-Oct None None None
20-Oct 1 1 7.5 6.5
21-Oct 4 0 -4
22-Oct 3 1 5 2
23-Oct 1 1 3.5 2.5
24-Oct 2 0 -2
25-Oct 1 UR -1
26-Oct 4 1 3.25 -0.75
27-Oct 2 0 -2
28-Oct 2 1 5.5 3.5
29-Oct 1 1 1.5 0.5
30-Oct 1 0 -1
31-Oct 2 2 3.75;2.75 4.5
01-Nov 1 NR NR
02-Nov 0 0 0
03-Nov 3 1 3.75 0.75
04-Nov 1 1 5 4

05-Nov 1 0 -1
06-Nov 3 1 5 2
07-Nov 3 1 3 0
08-Nov 0 0 0 0
Subtotal Subtotal 34.76

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